Friday, December 31, 2010

babiesRmiracles: A Worried Mom and the scare of losing her baby

babiesRmiracles: A Worried Mom and the scare of losing her baby: "This is a very sad and scattered story but i want to share it so that you will have the knowledge that i didn't have. Maybe we can learn wha..."

A Worried Mom and the scare of losing her baby

This is a very sad and scattered story but i want to share it so that you will have the knowledge that i didn't have. Maybe we can learn what the cause of this is and find a way to help other women and children get through it.
In 2006, We  found out that we were  expecting a little girl. We have a little boy, and at the time he was 4 years old. We were estatic, trying to figure out a name for her, and fixing the nursery.( this story is scattered , i can't remember the dates) we were going back and forth to the doctor and then one day we  found out that something was wrong. They scheduled an appointment with a Doctor in Birmingham. When we went, we could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong but the only thing that he told me to do was stay on bed rest and drink plenty of fluids.
I was doing as i was told and i started having horrible pains in my stomach. I couldn't do anything to ease the pain so we went to the E.R. and that's when we found out that i had preclampsia. This is something that only pregnant women get. It effects all of the organs and hikes your blood pressure.It puts the baby and the mothers life at risk. It is a fatal disease if they do not catch it in time.  They rushed me to Birmingham. When i got there, thats when they told me that the only way to stop the preclampsia is to take the baby early. ( I was 5 1/2 months along.) We went through the procedure and we had a beautiful little girl named Kylie on May 8th ,2006. They said that there was only a 50/50% chance that she would make it through for the first 48 hours and after that, the % rate rises a little each day. 
we were so scared and didn't have a clue what to expect. No one explained very much to us at all. Everyday she got better. The C-pap and all of the machines were taken off of her and we thought that we were through the worst part untill we got a phone call from the hospital telling us that she was getting very sick and that we needed to get there as soon as we could. When we got there, her belly was swollen severely and they were transporting her to childrens hospital in Birmingham for better care. 
We arrived at the hospital and the doctors were explaining things to us and at this point we felt like we were back at the begining with a slim chance again. We were staying there in Birmingham in a hotel right down the road from the hospital and we again got a call from the doctor's saying that she had a heart attack to get there as soon as possible. When we got there, they told us that they had to shock her heart to make it start pumping again and if her heart stopped again, we had to make a decision on weather to do it again but they warned us that she was so little ( 1lb 6 oz) that it could bruise her and maybe even break her bones. This is the most difficult thing that we have ever had to do but we decided not to recessitate. We didn't want to put her through any more pain than she was already in. 
The next day, our baby had another heart attack. We sat with her and held her as we watched her heart rate slowly stop on the monitor.Our baby, Kylie, passed away on June 17th, 2006 the day before fathers day. 
 She lived 6 weeks. She never got to come home from the hospital. 
We had to burry her the very next day ( on fathers day)becasue they can't embolm babies. This is the absolute worst thing that a parent can go through and the worst thing that i have ever gone through but i want to share it with you so that you will have the knowledge that i didn't have on preclampsia. Before this, i had never heard of this and no one that i knew had either.